
SPIDI.language offers additional consulting services such as language recruiting, language coaching and language consulting.

Language Recruiting
Employees often need to master a specific foreign language for their future job. SPIDI supports you in the process of assessing the language competence necessary for the position and in determining the candidate's level of proficiency.

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Professional and social skills can be assessed relatively easily using a variety of selection procedures. The assessment of linguistic skills in the desired foreign language is more difficult. Even if language competence is decisive for business success, it often occurs as an aside.

SPIDI supports you in the

  • assessment of language competence in recruiting processes
  • preparation of interviews
  • preparation of assessment criteria
  • consulting regarding the necessary proficiency and assessment of the language competence of potential candidates

We can accompany you in selection procedures held in English at any time (within 24 hours).

Language Consulting
Employees are often faced with language barriers as a result of strategic changes in a company. This can happen during enterprise acquisitions and the establishment of foreign subsidiaries, during the promotion of export services and the shift of production sites to other countries, or it can be due to the language of the parent company. What questions must be answered in this regard?

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  • How do you determine the different levels of proficiency of the employees and identify their language learning needs as quickly as possible?
  • In which areas of the company are training and development needed, when should it take place and how intensive should it be?
  • Which measures are required to achieve your goals and objectives?
  • How can a project be planned, organised and implemented?

Answers must be found to these questions and more for the successful implementation of international projects.
SPIDI offers you support. We analyse the situation in your company, advise you on how to proceed, work out a project plan and assist in implementation and evaluation.

Language Audit
In this increasingly international business world, the importance of foreign languages for companies and their employees is constantly growing. In this environment, a language audit can help your company in analysing the language skills required for the various positions within the organisation. To do so, we set benchmarks identifying the necessary language proficiency for each position.

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Employees who need a foreign language in their field of work are tested for their language proficiency. We determine whether they possess the necessary language skills in comparison to the benchmark and decide if and which further developmental measures are required.

The four steps of the Language Audit:

  1. We design a questionnaire specifically for your company.
  2. We analyse the questionnaire and define the benchmarks for the various positions.
  3. We test all employees who require foreign language skills (using internationally recognised test systems and qualified testers).
  4. We recommend the right training measures for those employees who do not possess the necessary competence.


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